Blog Archive
A gist of my thoughts and experiences
KWGT API Integration: A Guide to Custom Data Fetching
Getting custom data for your KWGT widgets
apikwgthoyolabzenless zone zero
Astro: Static with Interactivity
Astro is a new static site generator that's fast, flexible, and fun to use.
Blocking Ads in Your Network: Self-hosting your own DNS Server
Learn how to block ads on your entire network by self-hosting your own DNS server using AdGuard Home.
Tailscale Caddy Proxy
A guide to setting up a Tailscale, Caddy, and proxy for named domain routing within your tailnet.
GitHub Copilot CLI: My Terminal Just Got a Whole Lot Smarter
GitHub Copilot CLI is now generally available!
github copilotgithub copilot cligithubcliterminalcommand lineaiartificial intelligence
Ryo: A Discord Bot Powered by Cloudflare Workers and Hono.js
Explore the powerful combination of Hono.js and Cloudflare Workers behind Ryo, your not-so-average Discord bot. Discover how it seamlessly integrates email communication, enhances server scalability, and adds a touch of magic to Discord webhooks.
cloudflarediscorddiscord-bothono.jscloudflare workersemail routingcloudflare email
Cloudflare Workers AI
Serverless AI
cloudflarecloudflare workerscloudflare workers ai
Exploring Railway
Railway, A platform for developers
railway.appheroku alternativecloud platform